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Become a Palmist | Assignment 2: Which hand do you read?


Updated: Jan 5

This week, I wanted to make sure we went back to basics, as our last assignment was pretty tough for some of you, and I didn't provide enough of the info. From here on, we'll be studying from a curriculum to give it a bit more structure. Let me know how you get on, feel free to email me with any questions!

I hope this is a fun challenge and something to learn more from initially, rather than having to wait until 7.9.24 when the members only videos comes out with the answers.

To view the answers with membership only videos, and for fortnightly palmistry assignments and learn how to become a palmist with me - join as a member on my You tube channel here for £4.99 monthly

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In Indian palmistry the left hand of women is commonly read only, and the right hand is read for men.

In Chinese palmistry there is a technique that requires the left hand before the age of 35 and the right for past this age.

Many highly intuitive psychic palmists read by feel alone, and do not require studying both hands.

There are many techniques in palmistry, all have their place, but both hands display a wealth of information, displaying the same occurrences and events, except one hand shows how this affects us internally, the other, externally. The left and right hand answer the age old question in psychology, the question of nature (left) vs nurture (right). It is of course both.

the open palms of both hands
which hand to read in palmistry?

The legendary palmist, Cheiro stated that the left hand is studied for the past and the right - the future, that the left is feminine and the right masculine. There is some truth to this, but there has been some over emphasis on this philosophy over time, this has likely led to inaccuracies with many.

You can view my own palm reading on Cheiro here

The left hand shows the inherited traits, the right hand shows the learned and the developed.

Hand reading scenario

Below are 5 scenarios, some are actual real life examples that I've seen in the hand:

  1. A middle aged man is starting a new job, one that brings a greater income but he's feeling daunted by the prospect of a working in the office, around so many people and time pressures. The left hand will show reduced confidence and anxiety in the form of an increase of lines, a reduction in the shortness of either Jupiter and Mercury fingers. The right hand will show the increase in status and material wealth this new positions brings at the same time on his hand, by a strengthening of the fate line at that time.

  2. A professional burglar is is making a good amount of money in his activities but is taking greater risks to cover his addiction. The left hand will show the increasing fear of imprisonment by squares on the life line, and the right will show if this likely to physically manifest by the same signs, as well as the effects of his drug use with drug addiction line and a widened basal phalanx of Jupiter.

  3. A shy teen falls from his bicycle and cracks his teeth and suddenly has a reversal in confidence, with a revelation that nothing really matters, that he will always look this way so why care!? This will show on the right hand as a physical trauma to the head, with a line attached from the head line to the heart line, as well as an increase in length of the Jupiter finger. On the left hand, greater confidence will show in the arc of the life line and possibly an increased Mercury finger.

  4. A girl learns a valuable lesson from a teacher who becomes a parental figure and inspires her to advance in life and achieve her goals. The emotional connection she developed and how this person inspired them will be seen on the left hand with influence lines and a loyalty line. The skills she developed due to their influence is seen on the right as effort lines, as well as ambition lines achieved in later life, on the life line.

  5. A lady is going through a dangerous spinal op, her partner leaves her, heartlessly saying he doesn't want to live with and look after a 'cripple'. Not only is the lady heart broken, but her spine is inevitably physically changed forever due to the op. This shows on both the left and right heart lines as a double trauma, to the fate lines as this acts a meter for spinal health, and to the heart line. The heart line will be seen drooping downward, as well as the relationship lines, asking for support. Sometimes the information is displayed in confusing ways for such events in life, as the heart line displays not only emotions, but the physical, depending on the hand!

The left hand shows who we are behind the curtain, who we choose to reveal to our nearest and dearest. It shows how we feel about us and our relationship with ourselves.

traits shown on the left hand will likely be revealed most to those closest to a person.

It shows who we are when we are at our most vulnerable, when we bring our walls down - when we fall head over heels for another, they will see all that is in the left hand.

Our insecurities, desires, our unconscious strengths and weaknesses are all more readily available to those who know us best, these are seen in the left hand.

When we nee to react without thought we rely on muscle memory, deep ingrained responses are revealed in the left hand.

The left reveals our innate key aspects of who we are, what we were born with.

The right hand reveals more of how we show our nature externally, in the open world, in the work place and social settings. A vast difference in the left and right hand can show vastly different parents and/or vastly great changes a person may have gone through. It can signify an operation or heart break, or sometimes both at the same time!

The lines on our left hand have left a deep emotional and internal impact on us. They have shaped us into who we have become, this is displayed on the right hand. The events we see at times on the left hand are those that we have thought about deeply, the ones that inspire or hold us back by keeping grudges.

Markings on the right hand show the effects that have left a more physical and practical impression on us and our environment, materially and the way in which we live. The right hand shows our direct connection and interaction with others. physical changes, wealth, skills and the events and occurrences that create change on the outside and in our lifestyle and career.

What each hand reveals


Our true self (nature)

Our inherited skills, character and health traits/predispositions

Our subconscious thoughts and reactions

Our past and current psychological and emotional state

Who we are internally, our personal life, our hopes and ambitions, desires, secrets, insecurities, our personal perspectives, outlook and values.

Our private thoughts and urges.

The left hand shows us the internal, all that lies within


Our developed self (nurture)

Our developed skills, behaviour and health traits/predispositions

Our conscious thought sand reactions

Our current and future physical state

Who we are externally, our social life, our potential, status, material and environmental life, achieved ambitions, how we display and demonstrate ourselves to the public, social settings and in the workplace.

Our presented persona

The right hand shows us the external, all that lies on the outside

Which hand does this belong to?

Below are images of the left and the right hand of someone described in a previous example in this post.

Which of the 5 examples does this hand belong to?

Examine these hands, study these palms, and decide which of the 5 scenarios this person best fits into.

Explain your reasonings and email me, or take notes and await the members only video with the answers.

left hand
what the left hand reveals in palmistry
the right hand
what the right hand reveals in palmistry

the left hand for a palm reading assignment
the left hand, showing the internal
the right hand for a palm reading assignment
the right hand, showing the external

I'd like for you to analyse your friends and family's hands, begin to compile your own database of palms and look at the changes in the left and right hands. Look for vast differences, and try to determine what and why this might be. When a question is complex, sometimes, we need to ask a question before we can answer one in palmistry.

You may make some revelatory discoveries.

The video for this assignment will be out by 7.9.24

I'm particularly excited about this one, as in 2 weeks, not only will I release the answer, but I will show you another real-life example, and it's absolutely fascinating and shocking!

To view the answers with membership only videos, join as a member on my Youtube channel here for £4.99 monthly for fortnightly palmistry assignments and learn how to become a palmist with me!

Pisces Palmist ♓️✋️

If you'd like your palms read by me, click the link below

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