Good Hello!
How was everyone's Christmas? I enjoyed mine, but I tend to put on a bit of weight this time of year..
I'm of course fibbing, this is not how I actually look. AI has brought about a new layer of visual dishonesty online in recent years and it's not always easy to know what's real anymore. Those UFO groups are now so full of fake pictures, even if the proof was staring us in the face, we wouldn't believe it. It's a kind of crying wolf conundrum.
We all have the capacity to deceive, without it, we wouldn't have humour. deception is not an entirely bad trait to have, if used for good. Unfortunately though, most deceptions are aimed at exploiting others and most scams occur over the internet, but there are still con artists that like to operate in the open. They may wear a white coat or uniform or carry a clipboard, but the chances are their hands will be on show. This is your opportunity because the hands never lie.
This is one of those refreshing times, when the mainstream consensus that palmistry is bogus can actually be a bonus! A weapon in the face of lie.
In this blog, I'll tell you how and why.
How palmistry should be used honestly, and why
I was told recently of a palmist who charged for a reading, read the left hand, only to glance at the right hand and tell them all the answers they sought were in that hand instead. Of course, the palmist needed more money to continue. The subtlety of this con is in authority and commitment. After all the Palmist knows best right? and the fact that the client has already parted with some money makes paying more, less of an issue. This is the power of influence in psychology. In Robert Cialdini's 'Influence: the psychology of persuasion' he explains seven principles that can be used to devastating effect.
But how can we know when we're being conned? when those that tell us it's for our benefit are in fact lying to us.
In this blog I'm going to show and explain important revealing palmar traits to look out for when dealing with a complete stranger.
I have often had to ascertain if I'm dealing with a deceitful person or not over the years, and palmistry has been invaluable in this. I always look at the hands of Big Issue sellers, people asking for money in the street, when introduced to friends of friends, at work, lone working and of course with my clients.
I must admit, when I look back I've used the art and science of palmistry in some fairly questionable ways.
(When I was a lot younger of course)
I used to use it for attention, out in pubs, as a sort of party trick, reducing the art and science of palmistry. But later, I would use it to get to know who I'm dealing with, whether a first date or in job interviews, in subtle and not so subtle ways. These days I work by a set of strict principles. I no longer practice it as a parlour trick. It's not the right environment. Palmistry requires privacy, a safe space. It's personal and should be used responsibly, honestly. like doctors, I too vow to do no harm. Doctors take their Hippocratic oath from the great ancient father of modern medicine, Hippocrates (who was also a palmist).
Palmistry is a healing practice, and should be used for positive outcomes only.
A life lesson on honesty in reading palms
I used to try and read my own hands but analysing your own hands is a bit like self diagnosing medical issues using the internet. seek out a pro! ahem..
It's fair to say. in the past I have been, and still can be an absolute patsy.
When I first began reading palms professionally, naively I trusted my clients to pay me after my readings, asking them to pay me what they thought my reading was worth. After all, they were trusting me, why shouldn't I trust them? Also, I didn't have the self belief I do now.
Human nature often got the better of me. That I was willing to allow the client to have control over the value of palm reading reduced it to a favour. I had unknowingly tapped into the subconscious psychology of 'cheap price equals cheap quality.'
Interestingly my intuition would often let me know half way through a reading how much a person, if at all would cough up.
One client decided £10 was fair (the reading took me hours) only for him to later ask me if he could borrow £10. He was going through a hard time.. I never got it back.
I once read the hand of a friend (for free) and saw an act of betrayal. I couldn't bring myself to interpret this as him being the betrayer, and so chose to interpret this as him being the one getting betrayed (in business). It wasn't until afterwards I read his partners hands that I realised that it was him doing the cheating on her! This created a predicament, as well as teaching me 3 valuable lessons about reading palms..
Accuracy - I was wrong because of my inability to be impartial, but I provided information that could have been harmful. He could have gone away preparing for betrayal that would never happen. Initially, instinctively I knew he was up to no good. Learning how to and when to trust your instincts as a reader takes time.
Harm - I couldn't bring myself to tell his partner the truth once I discovered it. I didn't want to damage their relationship because I was too close to the situation. He was my friend, not a client. I didn't feel it my place to reveal what I saw because my feelings affected my judgement. We must be certain that what we're about to reveal can have a positive outcome. And we must be strong enough and tactful enough to convey it.
Objectivity - It isn't possible to be impartial when reading the hands of those we care about and already think we know. We must be able to be objective as palmists to do right by our clients. If we cannot, refer them to another palmist This also eradicates some competition and creates a mutual aim towards helping, healing and guiding others.
For the same reason that we cannot counsel ourselves, we cannot read our own palms or those we are close to. Our hands are attached to us, we are literally too close to the situation! The same is true for our loved ones.
The results of these life lessons allowed me to understand that boundaries were required. I learned to safeguard myself as well as my clients. I can read palms by email and I only need the hands and an age to read palms. I'm one of the only UK palmists to offer money back if my clients are unsatisfied. This is my way of showing rather than telling that I am trustworthy.
In 2024 no one requested a refund!
There are many signs of dishonesty in the palms but first of all let's establish..
What is Dishonesty?
Essentially, acts of dishonesty come in both verbal and physical forms.
"The term describes cheating, deficient probity, lying, deliberate withholding of information, being deliberately deceptive, or showing knavishness, perfidiousness, corruption, treachery, or deficient integrity."
It's ironic that this sentence came from Wikipedia isn't it?
The palms never lie, or do they?
It is important to remember that the hands can be deceptive, only in how they present information. I have read many hands with people who have severe arthritis. Without taking this into account, or other physical factors, it could significantly distort findings. Other than this, the hands never lie. Only people do that.
Know that Dupuytren's contracture (trigger finger) also may cause the Mercury finger to appear as though it's crooked. (Dynamic, sometimes Energetic hands often have this feature).
First note whether the hand's shape has any external or physically affected features before analysing and take it from there. In P Diddy's palm reading, I explained how he has both powers of manipulation and deception.
Also note that while some signs of dishonesty may be present, we all have the ability to be deceitful. That does not mean that we are habitually. Also are we lying to ourselves or others?
In the above Sunday case study I explained how Kiera Knightly feels deceitful, and is potentially lying to herself.
Can you be an honest person if you have dishonesty signs in the palms?
There are many signs of dishonesty in the palms. To have one sign is not enough to conclude alone. I can't stress this enough. All too often inexperienced palm readers make the mistake of diagnosing without proper evidence, causing potential harm.
Palmistry is about concluding from as many facts as possible.
When it comes to honesty, there are many places to look in the hands. The main areas I would look at is the Mercury mount and the Mercury finger. (The little finger and just below it)
Mercury's Greek god equivalent is Hermes, the messenger god. The trickster god, Loki comes to mind in Scandinavian mythology.
The Mercury area of the palm is all about communication and expression, (verbal and physical) trickery, deceit, persuasion, cunning, quickness of thought, business, science and logic. Expression is also physical. it should be noted that this finger displays information pertaining to sexual psychology as well as vocal abilities and skills of persuasion. Whether or not a person is using these for ill gotten gains is another question. A person's character and possible motives can be seen elsewhere in the palms.
It is entirely possible to be dishonest and have a straight Mercury finger, just as it is to have crooked or bending one, and still be honest.
Now, let's move on to the good stuff!
Dishonesty signs in palm reading
Some of the signs of dishonesty in palm reading are:
severely rounded or narrow palm
a very wavy heart line
a crooked Mercury finger
a forking headline
a headline that droops deep into Luna
a fragmented girdle of Venus
broken wrist lines
defects on the marriage lines
crooked loyalty line
2 or more of these signs are certainly strong indicators of dishonesty.
The Mercury finger reveals if someone is a gossip, by checking to see if it bends up and away from the palm at the tip. If so, they find it difficult to hold onto confidential information verbally, and sing like canaries!
Less angular round featured palms tend to act and live more in the moment, thinking less about their actions, increasing the chances to lie, cheat and act on baser instinct. This is enhanced the more the head and life lines are separated. This is known as the sign of the tiger in Tibetan palmistry. One who leaps before they think!
Sensual hands like Harvey Weinstein and Lou Pearlman are highly charismatic, but have an extra propensity for deceit by succumbing to their own physical/ expressive desires.
Pope Francis had many crooked expressive signs in his hands, but he has arthritis, and I couldn't confirm to an accurate degree whether he is crooked internally but I did see strong relationship lines indicating strong emotional attachments akin to marriage...? What do you think?
Beware those of the Lively and Egocentric hand types! Their are often inherent traits of manipulation within and look to gain for the self, although this is not always the case.
Rare dishonesty signs in palm reading
Now read this next part carefully because this is where the juiciest deceit berries are.
Each phalanx of the Mercury finger will reveal specific information relating to Mercurial traits. As with all fingers, each phalanx from tip to base represents the spirit, mind and body.
Look out for signs on each of these phalanges.
Please note that these signs must be clearly marked and void of defects for the following to be accurate.
Do not diagnose from one sign alone!
On the first (tip) phalanx of the Mercury finger look out for:
Horizontal crossing line/s (dishonest, possible thief)
A grille (net) sign (skilfully deceptive)
On the second (middle) phalanx of the Mercury finger look out for
A cross (possible illicit dealings)
A star (notorious for shady behaviour)
On the third (bottom) phalanx of the Mercury finger look out for
A vertical line! (deceiver/thief)
Wavey Lines! (pathological liar/ kleptomaniac)
Horizontal crossing line/s (possible con artist)
Clear cross (possible psychopath, thief, deceiver)
Grille (net) sign (foolish thief and liar, criminal)
Honesty signs in palm reading
We all have the capacity to deceive. It is in born in us. Even when we joke, play tricks and wind each other up, humour requires a level of deception. This is why Hermes and Loki play tricks on others.
Those among us most loyal, secure, orderly and bound to structure are therefore hard wired to be the least humorous, the least entertaining and charismatic. This is a generalisation but there is truth to it.
There are many possible negating and enhancing factors that may be visible in the palms when identifying traits. Make sure you are looking at it holistically, concluding from the whole picture.
Some of the signs of honesty in palm reading are:
a very square palm
a heart line that ends on Jupiter or in between Saturn and Jupiter
a cross on the Jupiter mount
a straight inflexible Mercury finger
a non forking headline
a headline that doesn't droop deep into the Luna mount
a well formed girdle of Venus, or none at all
clearly formed wrist lines
well formed marriage lines
a straight loyalty line.
To back up your findings further evaluate to following signs:
A long Mercury finger leavens the propensity of deceit, negating it.
Earth hands are the most honest among us, especially square handed and square finger tipped people. Squareness in palmistry stands for order, law, practicality, regulation, structure, routine and rigidity. Squareness aligns with pattern and safety. The more squareness you see in a hand, the more a person finds adjusting to change difficult and in my personal opinion, when we see vast squareness in the palms, it's a potential sign of autism (ASD) in the hands. Squareness is akin to earthy qualities. Mountains do not move!
Squares on the palms themselves are protective and safeguard something, but square hands themselves look to safeguard the truth. No one is more honour bound in the role of maintaining truth than square handed folk. The Jupiter finger and mount stands for honour, authority, judgement and decision making among other things. The teacher's square sits on this mount, adding to the humility and graciousness of a person. Look to the Jupiter Finger, if this is particularly square tipped you know that they hold these principles in high regard and they can be trusted.
Those with the square palm type Cheiro referred to (actually quite rare these days) are exactly this.
They stand for security and loyalty at all costs. They may be boring on the outside looking in, but there is no one you need at your side more in a time of injustice. No one is more predictable or reliable. They will do what they say and are duty bound.
Who you should trust using palmistry?
Spot the signs but always start with the shapes of hand and fingers (chirognomy) Is the hand angular or rounded? (order and instinct)
Look at the Jupiter and Mercury fingers, is one square? If so you're off to a good start. Are they straight and well formed? All the better.
Next look to the palm lines in the hands (chirology)
Well meaning people will bear the sign of the healing stigmata (17) and have the heart lines reaching beyond the Saturn mount, their thumbs will be low set (sign of a humanitarian) and their head and heart lines will be well spaced. (openness, generosity) They will have low lying heart lines, (sign of a big heart). The capacity to love is seen in this regard. How much space is there above the heart line? This space reveals the capacity to feel. Check for sympathy lines too. (diagonal lines reaching onto Jupiter from the life line) A cross on the Jupiter mount is a sign of a person who creates and maintains a loving faithful relationship.
Is there a loyalty line? (11) is it straight? If so again this indicates their heart is in the right place.
Is there the finger print pattern of an arch on the Saturn finger? (dermatoglyphics) this shows reliability and responsibility.
Please note that these signs must be clearly marked and void of defects for the following to be accurate.
Do not diagnose from one sign alone!
People with a few of these signs, especially the healing stigmata, generally have their hearts in the right place. Palmistry is about concluding from several signs to form accurate conclusions, and while you are bearing these signs in mind, trust your own instincts, learn to listen to your inner voice and it's telling you.
When you read palms ask yourself, what is the hand trying to say?
So the next time you're approached by someone at your door, in the street or in your next job interview, before making that decision to give your time, energy or money, ask first if you can take a picture of their hand before deciding. They don't need to know why you need to see their hands, and after all, if they have nothing to hide, what's the harm?
Remember that the hands never lie, only people do.
Pisces Palmist ♓️✋️
If you'd like to know more about what your hands say about you, follow the link below to book a palm reading.
I love the article however I'm still asking myself how many of these signs need to appear to be sure? Are the markings on the phalanges of Mercury enough to assume dishonesty? I know for confidence we look at the length of index and connection between the life and headline. So how many do we need?
Out of curiosity you sad you saw the act of betrayal on a hand, what did that look like?
Splendid article full of information I tend to always think about. It’s important to know whether someone is being truthful or dishonest with you. It’s fascinating what someone hands can tell you.
Lol I like the Ai picture of you! I am still wary of giving Ai access to my photos🤣 the internet provides us with all the truth and dishonesty one would need in a lifetime lol. About the handprint at the very end of your blog, whose hand is it? and will you/can you do a reading on that psychic healer’s hand? That would be interesting to see!
As you said there are many ways to tell if someone is being deceitful. It’s usually shown by actions. I believe just…