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Hand Types In Palmistry: A palmist's personality guide

Updated: Jan 7

I'm an Air hand, with a splash of Water..

Pisces Palmist, the palm reader holding up his hands for the viewer to see
What do you make of my hands? I see only my flaws..

There are many systems of hand types in palmistry and there are several ways to categorise a person by analysing their hand shape. Chinese palmists often use 5 hand shapes, palmists of the 19th century used a system of 6 with a 7th 'mixed' hand. Cheiro used this, and many still use this system today. Some palmists have developed their own methods of hand character assessment, like Georges Muchery, who developed a system of 8, based off the planets already observed in the hands. The late, great, David Brandon-Jones devised his own system of 11 with a 12th composite - perhaps the best. It should be said that every school of thought has its place in palmistry. If a person has a very mixed hand and one system doesn't appear to work, move on and use another more varied system. Start with the basics and work your way up. This is a good rule of thumb in palmistry. The most simple template, is the modern western system - using the 4 elements, Fred Gittings is known for this system. Most will not fall neatly into any one category.

There are 3 stages of palm reading. The first step I always recommend, as taught to me by Terry Stokes, is to ascertain the overall character makeup, using chirognomy (the study of the hand shape and fingers). By first learning more about a person this way, it allows us to more accurately conclude later on. Essentially filtering the more detailed information through the lens of this initial template. This is because each hand type have their own strengths and flaws, abilities and traits, skills, characteristics, and predispositions to health issues. After this step is complete, the 2nd and 3rd stages are deciphering the more complex palmar clues in the palmar lines and the skin ridge patterns. This aspect of palm reading is known as chirology and dermatoglyphics.

Have a look at your own hands and see which of the following types you best fall into.

The more definite to an element you are, the more my description will apply to you.

Most people have at least a little of another element in their hands. Any more than 2 elements in a hand creates a mixed palm. You may find you have squarish rectangle of a palm, your fingers may appear to be not long, but not short either! If it is too difficult for you to tell, you are likely a mixed palm. There will be a system out there that works for you. Fell free to email me always with any questions. If you are a mixed hand, you may be a bit of an outcast, an oddball, never quite feeling as though you fit in, but fear not, having a little of several elements is healthy, as you have no one great flaw.

Earth hand - square palm and short fingers.

an example of an earth hand in palmistry
earth hand, square palm, short fingers

The above hand is a rather squashed photocopy from a person who works in an office environment, and supports her fellow colleagues by ensuring all paperwork is in order, and kept duly in its right place.

Earth hands stand for duty, loyalty and order, and enjoy their work, and work very hard, often over doing it and turning to dust.

Their inherent qualities are enhanced when the finger tips are also square. They can often have just 3 or 4 lines on their palms, revealing very little in the 2nd and 3rd stages of a reading! this shows how reserved they are!

They are likely to have a closely tied head and life line, revealing caution and low self confidence.

If you are an earth hand, your employer is lucky to have you, unless they exploit or lie to you. No one is more disgusted by dishonour or lies than the earth hand.

Earth hands can been seen as rigid and boring, set in their ways. At worst, even in their love making they can be regimented! perhaps all of the above is true! But they are superb team players and while the other types are still filing their tax returns, Earth has everything in order and little to worry about.

Earth hands are usually very skilled with their hands and often enjoy working with the earth itself. Earth hands are often slow and methodical, they are conservative and cautious, they plod along and are quite happy to win any race slowly. They are strongly fact based, due to this, Earth hands make decent business men and women, civil engineers, mechanics, labourers, farmers, army personnel, bankers, accountants, tradespeople, vets, boxers, body builders, and doctors.

This is because they are practical, routine oriented, material, logical, trustworthy and truthful but often stubborn.

Earth hands are usually predictable, unless they erupt like volcanoes! in which case, they will not stop until they have concluded and no one will have seen this coming. They live by codes and mottos. One such might be something like - a hard days work, for a decent days wage! Earth hands do no deal well with change and their life long test may well be how they deal with the inevitable. Life will and must change.

They are often blunt and will shut down fanciful notions that have no tangible evidence or proof, and are the least likely to ask for a palm reading!

In health, they can be prone to teeth and bone issues, are often short in stature and say it how it is! Although they may appear at times, cold, unfeeling or even come across as the calm and silent type, earth hands are mostly like mountains, the other elements appear to do little to affect them, but there is often a great underground current of either lava or water flowing beneath the surface.

Earth hands require self challenge in order to grow and learn, and can be poor communicators of the heart. They are normally simple in their requirements and need for little to be happy in life.

If you 're planning a holiday with a friend, make sure you are going with an earth hand, they will have forgotten nothing, while somehow carrying less than you!

Earth hands are most suited to an overall Water hand as a life partner, as they often become enriched by nourishing waters, as they may lack the watery aspects themselves. But too much of anyone things is never good and, too much water will flood the Earth hand.

Earth hands can be inspired by Fire types too, for a similar reason, reaping the benefits of a little destruction in order for regrowth, Earth hands find themselves challenged in this way.

Water hand - long palm and long fingers.

an example of a water hand in palmistry
water hand, note the long palm and long fingers

This hand was sent to me via email, I do not know this person. I have read their palms online via email and you can watch the video palm reading here

The Water hand is the most sensitive of the 4 types, a complex eddy of thoughts and emotions. Often possessing a thin and wiry physique and being slender in stature. They have high metabolisms that gradually slow as they age. As children they burn fat quickly without effort, often at the suspicion and envy of their friends. Water hands often have many lines on their hands, displaying many thoughts and feelings.

If you are a water hand, your partner is lucky, as you are highly sympathetic and loving and likely very attractive. Water hands make the best love makers too, due to their ability to sense and understand, to feel and provide.

Water hands stand for imagination, giving, dreaming, the arts and often have a powerful understanding of love. They can inspire the rest of the elements and each other and are often highly creative, empathetic and artistic, psychic and at times, melancholic. This is due to the sheer capacity to feel. They have a tendency to soak up the energies all around them and can feel isolated in their stark awareness. Water hands are often much more connected with their dreams and subconscious than most others. They are usually very in touch with their own emotions, and are likely to have high emotional intelligence.

Water hands have a tendency to suffer more from mental illnesses than other types, commonly having OCD, anxiety disorders, or panic attacks, depression. In the extreme, schizophrenia and having suicidal thoughts. Due to their connection with the abstract, they require grounding, due to this, they can be terrible decision makers being indecisive or impulsive. Water hands commonly hand a detached head and life line, showing this abstract way of thinking.

In work, they can often procrastinate and be found day dreaming. They are easily affected by their surroundings, and can become stressed easily.

Of the 4 elements, Water hands are most likely to have spinal issues, throat and lung or autoimmune issues. In order to deal with their often multiple mental health issues, they are can develop unhealthy relationships with food and drug addiction issues. These are often used as a way to cope in a world that can feel unbearable to live in.

Water hands certainly have a mixed blessing when it comes to their empathic sensitivity, but when harnessed, no one is better suited to understanding the world around them and others in it. No other element can soothe and take the pain away, nourish like the water hand.

Water hands can be seen as pushovers and are often entirely underestimated. This is because, unlike the other elements, they are the most fluid and adaptable and their kindness is all too often seen as weakness. Adaptability is far from a flaw though, as no other element is capable of precipitation!

Few have the capabilities to change their approach like water does, for they understand the universe in ways others cannot; that survival is about change. Water hands are the most approachable of all types for this reason, and often find themselves in situations where complete unknowns decide to pour their hearts out to them, becoming on the spot counsellors.

The moon has a great pull over water hands, they will often feel its force when full and can have dreams of the future, see the dead in their dreams and can at times know what their lover is doing or feeling, even when miles apart.

Water hands, (especially when they have a fully developed mount of Luna), have the ability to inspire others with their inherent ability to imagine when they utilise their abstract thoughts to create. This is one of their greatest strengths. A water hand not using their creative abilities, is likely depressed and malnourished in soul. Water hands, having the most beautiful of all hand types, are often also physically beautiful themselves, and can be lured into the modelling industry. Unfortunately, Water types are also the most likely to be taken advantage of. I have read the palms of a few models, they have all been Water hands.

Due to their often high creativity and/ or empathy; they make superb make up artists, fashion designers, carers, poets and parents, lovers, teachers, counsellors, therapists, nurses, artists, fiction writers, actors, designers, psychics and mediums.

Water hands are often slow to process thoughts and feelings and can find themselves struggling in the heat of the moment - due to a rush of thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness and meditation, yoga and self understanding is the key to combating Water's struggles,

managing their capabilities of living in the future, rather than becoming a victim of it - anxiety.

When water becomes too entangled in their own thoughts, they can become a whirlpool, a torrent, spiralling out of control and requires stabilising. The squareness seen in the Earth and Air types is good at this, but at times water can feel that the earth is too stubborn and requires deeper understanding. Water is unpredictable and when too affected by outside forces, becomes a tsunami.

No other element is more self destructive or at greater risk of self sabotage than water, feeling calm one moment, and deep happiness or sadness the next. Water hands often crave the security that the square palmed person can provide in a partner. They can find Fire hands abrasive and intimidating. Fire and water is never a good mix in a relationship.

Air hand - square palm and long fingers

an example of an air hand in palmistry
an example of an air hand in palmistry

The above image I took on my phone of good friend, a big character and philosophical life coach. I have read his palm, you can watch the video palm reading here:

Air hands are the greatest thinkers of all the types and stand for debate, communication and conversation, learning, change, concepts and ideas. The very often overthink things and can find themselves still working away at a task while others have finished. They are where practicality meets thought.

They often tall with oval faces, have long deep head lines and long little (Mercury) fingers. They. like water hands, often have many lined hands. They can be obsessive, (depending on headline length) and not know when to stop writing their blogs to eat!

If you are an Air hand, your friends are lucky as you bring superb conversation to the party and always know how to invoke new ways of thinking in others.

Air hands can be very expressive and articulate, gesticulating with their hands as they speak. They are the great communicators of all hand types. They very often have excellent vocabulary. They can be witty, outspoken and are in constant transit of thought.

Air hands are often seen as eccentric, clever, outgoing, outspoken and great speakers. They love to break down and discuss how things work. They enjoy explaining, sometimes too much. It can be difficult to get them to stop speaking, and as the element suggests, can also be very long winded in their explanations!

Air hands are often capable learners, have good understanding of estimation and timing and as a result can usually manage in any given industry they decide to put their minds to. They are very good with reading, writing and learning languages, facilitating difficult discussions and are often gifted in presenting information. Their ability to process information and people manage make them excellent problem solvers and detectives.

They have a good capability of managing information while remaining impartial. This is the true gift of the Air hand. They are also gifted in social settings, and can often read physical cues in body language.

This is why they make great psychologists, counsellors, social workers, radio presenters, TV personalities, pilots, detectives, lecturers, lawyers, judges, police officers, coaches, philosophers, inventors, academics and scientists.

Air hands love a good documentary and are the most likely to have a double headline, displaying an ability to think in a different way entirely, in a different environment.

Air hands very often find it hard to switch off from their thoughts as their minds are forever attempting to understand some aspect about the universe. Their version of relaxing is often stimulating their brain while watching television, reading a book while listening to the radio. Playing chess while discussing politics.

Air hands can often have too many irons in the fire and as a result, appear to get very little done, unless they persist, and then once all their chickens seem to come home to roost. The key lesson for Air hands is learning how to switch off and how focus, to recognise what works and forget all else. Air hands can get lost in their ideas, failing at times to see them through to the end.

Air hands can be scatty, and often have big ideas but lose sight of what's most important in the process of planning. They are true to the trope of the mad scientist when most definite to the element. They are big planners but not always good at planning! The most serious and focused may become something like an astronaut, the least, a TV presenter.

They often have what may seem like unusual interests and beliefs, they often like sports like archery, javelin, darts having an appreciation for things that require timing and precision.

Air hands often travel in their careers and enjoy soaking up all that different cultures, politics and new ideologies have to offer. They are often lovers of history and, depending on the person, an Air hand will hop from one type of leaning experience to another, from reading several books at once, to micro-dosing and temporarily joining a commune the next.

Air hands sometimes spend hours procrastinating trying to make something perfect, only to realise the end result was always going to be similar. For this reason, they require firm but logical guidance.

Physically, Air hands tend to stay the same shape their whole lives but are susceptible to eye issues and blood pressure problems, as well as heart issues. This is because of the sheer width of the palm, and their memory is either very strong in either short or long term. They tend to care more about what's within rather than aesthetics in a partner, and will be decent forever people to have, so long as they communicate their feelings well.

Air hands can be awful critics, in either themselves or others. This is enhanced with the wasting of the 2nd phalange of the ring (Apollo) finger. Neither is a good sign as they can be difficult to work with, being nit picky and finicky, wasting time and annoying everyone. The latter is also a problem, as they cannot accept criticism, due to the fact they are constantly criticising themselves with their own inner dialogue.

Air hands get on well with Fire types. They provide enough fuel to keep the fire types satiated, but too much fire in a friendship or relationship can starve the Air hand of what makes them unique.

Fire hand - long palm and short fingers

an example of a fire hand in palmistry
an example of a fire hand in palmistry

The above hand was sent to me via email from a stranger. please watch the video reading here

This person wished to know about her health and money in future. I later read her daughter's palms, and then her granddaughter's palms!

Fire hands stand for movement, passion, courage, pleasure, energy, motivation, excitement and activity. Fire has fascinated mankind since forever for a reason. We are all entranced by those who can entertain us, warm our hearts and keep us moving. For this reason, most screen actor and singers are Fire hands. Fire hands require a cause to become motivated themselves, once there, they will ignite this cause in others, much like a flame catching. Fire hands can often burn themselves out, if they feel too strongly about their work.

A fire hand is utterly uninspired without a cause, and will likely look for another profession as all flames require fuel.

If you are a Fire hand, you family is lucky. Your are the heart of your home, the light of their lives. You have a knack of keeping everyone connected, and welding the weak spots in your home.

When young, the fire type is usually rebellious, a streak they usually grow out. They are often broad and muscular in frame and tend to become obese in middle age, in part due to their enjoyment of food. They often marry young, often have children young, all the while working hard until they can finally buy a house, often retiring early and living out there winter years in freedom, frequenting hot countries abroad.

Fire hands are seen as sociable, funny and often funny, the life and soul of the party. They are often seen as efficient, somehow getting their work done while having a full conversation at the same time. Fire hands often appear as though they don't have a care in the world. This isn't true, once they find their calling, Fire hands care greatly about their chosen profession, or they simply wouldn't do it.

Fire hands, with their long palm and short finger combination have what all others do not possess in that they are able to feel and remain sensitive to the needs of others, while having the ability to act using instinct rather than a long drawn out thought process, due to their short fingers. This means they can assess a situation and usually very quickly understand what's required and also act without delay. This is what makes the Fire hand so efficient. They can be impatient, especially if there is a large gap between the head and life line.

Fire hands are either born entertainers or destroyers, either way they are usually intense. They can heal or destroy, Fire hands warm others or burn their bridges with them. The destructive nature in the Fire hand is often necessary though, and Fire types challenge others in conversation in a way that can either be combative or constructive. Sometimes, the old vegetation needs to be levelled so that new growth can come through, no other element can have this effect like Fire.

In the most positive way, Fire can dazzle, sparkle, empower and brighten our lives. In the worst way Fire hands can be unnecessarily destructive out of boredom. Fire hands require constant stimulation and challenge as a result of the dangers of boredom. They can be harsh or healing in friendships and relationships.

Fire types are the most susceptible to boredom, frustration and inferiority complexes, which they commonly manage with excess, in the forms of alcohol, drugs, sex and throwing themselves into their work. This consumption coping strategy can lead to liver, circulatory and kidney issues. Fire hands are always either feared or respected, sometimes both. When one meets another of the other type, they tend to clash, causing great heat. Fire cannot be fought with fire, ironically, this is a lesson that most Fire hands require learning, as well as managing expectations - patience. Fire hands require a challenging and tasking hobby to help manage their inner issues more healthily.

Due to their bold attitude and efficient management skills, Fire hands often to fall into leadership roles with which they can further develop their instincts and efficient skills.

Heat attracts, and as a result, the Fire type is not adverse to fame and fortune. Fire types, if confident, can fall into roles with having an audience with ease. Fire hands, being sunshine in our lives, are often talented, and show us their many talents as singers, dancers, actors, comedians, influencers, politicians, night club owners, tour guide, hoteliers, managers, soldiers, fire fighters, activists, prison guards, mixed martial artists.

Fire types often exhibit more wild and louder behaviour than other types, depending on character. They enjoy social gatherings, and can often have a full house, night after night. Fire types live fast and hard. Other signs in the palm will verify or negate this, like the inner Mars mount.

There is no one you want more in your corner than a Fire hand when in conflict. Fire hands are all about action and instinct!

Fire hands become highly annoyed by those Air hands that drone on with the fine print, explaining pointless details excessively. This is because they can feel their flame being blown out. You may hear a Fire hand say something like, 'Spare me the details, give me answers!' in an occasion like this. If your boss is a Fire hand, make sure you get to the point.

Thanks for reading. I hope you have enjoyed my explanation of the 4 elements in palmistry. Let me know your thoughts! do I have you right?

watch more about hand shapes here

See you on the next one!

Pisces Palmist

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