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Balance in palmistry is sought after and hard to come by. William has been blessed with this, as it is provided by his numerology, palmistry and his astrology (cancer sign - water). He is earth nourished by water. A strong provider. being a broad based spatulate Earth Hand, he is stabilised with logic, a bold and practical, hard working, conservative nature, complimented by his innate intuitive, sensitive and caring side. Broad based spatulates are motivated motivators, stimulated by the idea of change and wish to reinvent, to rewrite the rules and William will be able to as this, he will discover, is part of his destiny.


1. Rare balance of skills, ego, drive, and ideas are seen by even length in Jupiter and Apollo, also a sign of fame in palmistry. He has realistic ideas of what he is capable of. The equal lengths of will and ideas seen in his thumb provide a measured approach to all situations. The thumb is set low - a sign of both a humanitarian and a book lover. The width of his palm shows a good judge of character and his capability to manage social conflict. A widened 3rd Jupiter phalanx represents physical aspects of control and dominance and could be a sign of indulgence and is likely related to his relationship with food. His Luna mount appears broad, reddened with activity. He is brimming with ideas and imagination and is driven by a powerful subconscious undercurrent.


2. Where the fingers are set on the palm shows the foundation of what the fingers represent. William has a Norman arch, another balance enhancer, signifying reputation, the world beyond, morality, and duty are held among the highest of his outlooks. His long, well-formed Mercury finger, despite it being low set, (difficulties articulating emotion) shows his overall superb honest communication and expressive skills. This is likely due to both nature and nurture, inherited traits, and trauma of the loss of his mother. The Mercury finger leaning far away shows desires for freedom and privacy.


3. A slightly wasted 3rd phalanx of Saturn may show his feelings of the gravity of his position in life, his own needs come last. Saturn turns toward Apollo at tip, showing possible guilt, and again, a sign he is thinking of others, that his responsibility is tied to how others perceive him. Apollo and Saturn fingers sit slightly to close. Another sign of desires for freedom and the overall weight of his role. Being heir to the throne, his path is chosen for him.


4. The headline in roman palmistry was often referred to as a table line. The straighter, the more responsibilities can be placed on top. William was on a course for a very straight headline until his lifeline pulled away, and perspectives shifted at age 19-20, when he began to carve his sense of identity. This shows his feelings towards his wife intertwined with how she has set him free, brought him out of his shell. An ambition line can be seen 3 years after this time reaching towards Jupiter, indicating graduation and his decision of who he wishes to marry. His Mars line points directly towards his marriage line, the other side of his palm. His headline indicates shyness, caution, and a creative planner. William is able to make decisions on the spot as well but likes to think ahead and dream afar, much like his mother did.


5. William is health conscious like his father, as shown by his two Mercury lines. He is also highly instinctive and empathic, feeling the needs of others around him. It's no surprise he was an air ambulance pilot. His Mercury lines and headline converge, and one Mercury line crosses his fateline at age 15 spelling tragedy. The loss at this time understandably caused him to retreat into himself, his shell , and his mental health. Something he has worked tremendously hard at.


6. Powerful Mercury line stemming from Venus, crossing Neptune reaching Mercury. As he ages, he will likely understand his high intuition and learn when and how to trust others. There are things that can be seen without eyes and heard without ears. With his intuition embedded within his domestic sphere, William likely knows when his children are unwell or when his wife is upset and picks up the phone. Being earthy, he is driven by the tangible, but as he ages, he will begin to understand the higher meanings of life and his own striking intuition and learn to utilise this to fit into his role and the world around him. Neptune enhances this gift and will act as both a blessing and curse.


7. The major moments ahead of William can be determined through numerology and palmistry. At age 43, he will likely experience a closing of a chapter in his life and the opening of a new one. But where influences close to home affect him most on the lifeline, at age 49.

William has a tremendous loyalty line, and where this meets the lifeline is at this time, where it's possible there will be loss in his family.

After this karmic year, William may well enjoy a new chapter of his life.


His name equates to 43=7. Incredibly, at intervals of roughly 7 years, William has powerful life events. At 15, his mother, Princess of Wales, Diana, died. At 29, he married. At 41, his father became king. William will become king at age 43 or 49.7 fits into 49 seven times. At age 49, the year will be 2032, which also equals 7. This will be the most profound life event for Prince William and likely the most difficult. From this time onwards, he will begin a new chapter and rewrite the rule book, using his influence to affect the lives of many with great positive change. This is his path.

prince william palm reading with pisces palmist

Stay tuned for my book release and more readings on this page. This one differs to my video reading slightly, as I realised a few things afterwards. I'll upload more to this page as I go

marilyn monroe palm reading with pisces palmist
marilyn monroe palm reading with pisces palmist

A practical but conic hand, sensitive, emotionally motivated, considerate nature, sensual, optimistic, intelligent, creative, and thoughtful.

1. This seemingly insignificant upward stroke from Pluto represents poor luck in the form of a 'line of milieu' for her start in life. Likely carried from a life previous. These lines act as resistance. Strangely, these streaks of bad luck often enable afterwards in good luck in equal measure, in Norma's case, a lucky break. Here, this line can be seen at the crucial age of latency, where emotional bonds are most needed. Adverse child experiences (ACEs), we now know, are linked to chronic health problems, poor mental health, and substance misuse in adulthood. Norma's widened 3rd phalanx of Jupiter reveals alcohol and/or drug misuse.
Norma's father's identity is unknown, and her mother was confined to asylums. She spent her childhood in a series of foster homes. Norma's heartline is seen crashing into her lifeline, showing disappointment and hurt at an early age, linked to relatives.

2. Norma was married at age 16 to a 21 year old Jimmy Dougherty, a neighbour. A large island can be seen showing the union from age 16-19 on her lifeline. It was WWII, so understandably, this period is shown as stressful. Where the lifeline pulls away from the headline shows where we claim our independence. For Norma, essentially a child bride, her chance at finding her own way appears to have oppressed and restricted much needed freedom. her divorce after WWII, which must have been a stressful encounter in itself in 1945, reveals the beginnings of a new life and broadening of horizons. A divorce line can be seen travelling across towards mercury, where we are forced to reveal ourselves to the world. This line cuts all major palmar lines, affecting all areas of existence, shame, and guilt around divorce would have been tremendous.

3. Norma's girdle of Venus shows a craving for excitement and deep feeling, emotionally motivated heart and mind. This girdle is unfortunately somewhat broken near Jupiter, showing her understanding that deep and meaningful relationships towards men have been damaged. For someone with a caring heart and deep capacity to love, clear and healthy relationship role models for future reference are especially vital. People who have abandonment issues and history of abuse in youth, often have this sign, and due to lack of guidance, neglect to allow themselves time to adjust and process feelings, confuse intimacy for sex and throw themselves, mind body and soul into each romantic encounter; only to get hurt each time.

4. This is known as the angle of pitch in palmistry and shows singing ability before she had voice coaching and developed this skill and sang in her films. Also, notice the way the two middle fingers are closely wound together. This indicates a feeling of being trapped or stuck in a rut (image taken around time of divorce). These middle fingers lean towards each other, showing a caring and considerate nature. The wasting of the 2nd phalanx of the thumb reveals diplomacy skills. Jupiter's length, contrasted by Apollo, is almost even, showing Norma had realistic expectations, in line with her abilities. This is one of the signs of fame in palmistry. Norma was a practical person and determined. Despite her rocky upbringing, her confidence was not too damaged. She was level-headed and a woman of many skills.

5. Mercury is very strong and long, showing a great degree of curiosity and intelligence, an ability to express and learn. The tip is long. This shows sexually expressive prowess - great physical communicative abilities. but in combination with the short, slightly kinked 3rd mercury phalanx, Norma understood and appreciated in equal measure all things beautiful, but was also possibly too dependent in relationships. Another sign that to her, the act of sex made Norma feel wanted.

6. The addiction line seen here cuts deep on the hand in the place representing bladder. This too signals need for thrills, but more over, escapism. This line begins on the outer edge of the palm working its way inward as outside influences affect within. Drugs and alcohol played a large role in Norma's life as a coping mechanism.

7. The fateline is connected at its beginning by the mercury line's end. Mercury line is seen as the health line. It is seen cutting through the life, into Venus, and here it is directly linked to Norma's fate.
This peculiar arrangement, along with the fateline ending at the headline at the age of 36, could be seen as a sign for things to come. Where this intersection occurs, there is an influence line, again from Venus, close to inner Mars. 'All is fair in love and war'. This again looks to spell the cause and reason to her end, a combination of conflict and romance.

8. The planets that decide our death are Saturn and Pluto. We now come full circle as the sign the palms for how we die will be seen in these areas (if fate plays a role and other signs align). Time spirals, lapping over on itself. This is mirrored in the palms, in how the life and fatelines are read in opposite directions.
This line cuts in from beyond and signals both the beginning and end. The effects of the latter are external, outside of her control. Norma was found dead in her bed alone, and although it was ruled a suicide by overdose of barbiturates, no capsules were found in her stomach, but instead a small circular bruise on her lower body. The higher you rise, the bigger the fall, and the powerful people in her life likely caused her death in order to cut losses.

For Marylin Monroe, it seems, fate was not hers to carve, but written in the stars, where she now forever shines.


1. Camila's Palm is broad topped, triangular with a heavy-set mount of Pluto and narrow angle between the thumb and the palm with the Jupiter Mount being higher set than other mounts. This is predominantly a dynamic hand. The extra right angles and Chunky Square rigidity provide some added practicality.

2. The dramatically low set Mercury finger in conjunction with a long enough Jupiter finger and high Jupiter mount provide the image of someone who has enough self-belief but little confidence; this can create the psychological pattern of self-sabotage.
Dynamic hands struggle in relationships almost always due to their inability to share and understand the deeper feelings.
She is authoritative and has leadership abilities, is prideful and ambitious but lacks self-worth enough to stand on her own two feet in authoritative positions.
The bending Jupiter finger is almost always seen in those who had overly critical parental figures during the crucial years of ego development. This has left Camilla requiring the support of others when making decisions, having impacted on her confidence permanently.
Camilla has many masculine qualities about her and likely inherited more from her father than her mother.

3. The Apollo finger is wasted at the second phalanx, but large at the base and tip.
Here we see the criticism she received points towards her mother and as a result finds herself at times prejudiced towards those of the same sex.
She has a highly critical eye as well as nature, she is a knit picker and likely argumentative with such a well-developed inner mount of Mars. It's possible she prejudges others purely on aesthetics, this is in part because of her innate affinity with natural beauty and her shrewd eye for detail.
The shortened Apollo shows she doesn't care for the thoughts of public opinion. Perhaps Charles admires this trait in his suitors?

4. The mount of Pluto in palmistry is probably the most mysterious and one of the most misunderstood areas of the palms. It is an area of ancestral memory recall. Camilla's inherent personality traits and skill set have been directly passed down through her paternal heritage and has possibly inherited talents and memories from a previous life.
Pluto holds a vastness of the water element and is a direct reason for Camilla's compatibility towards Charles as they share strong beliefs and feelings around natural beauty and cosmic order.

5. The high Rising beginning to a headline in palmistry is a sign of leadership qualities leadership by example. In the left hand only, this sign reveals she feels many wish to follow in her footsteps.
Camilla is a tiger woman having a separate head and lifeline - she is independent and free thinking. She is likely seen as scatty, unrealistic but resourceful, unconventional and unorthodox in her methods and her unique beliefs by her peers. These again are likely many things she has in common with Charles and traits he admires in her.
The narrow space between the head and heart line despite her unorthodox thinking shows a blinkered narrow-minded approach as does her angle of her thumb.
She has unusual views, and is set in these.

6. Camilla's only viewable relationship line indicates how this Union has impacted her both emotionally and practically, far more so than her previous marriage. it's clear to see that Camilla loves Charles however, heavy is the head that wears the Crown. the relationship appears to be Bowing downwards slightly, indicating the weight of the relationship. Enough public opinion will weigh down on anyone despite Camilla's indifference towards external views.

7. Camilla's fate line stems from very low down in two Luna on the left hand whereas on the right, it can be seen attached to a wrist line on Neptune, forming a triangle at its roots.
This shows her feelings about her destiny in the limelight, directly affected by the actions of the opposite sex. On her right hand her fate line shows the acquisition of assets through inheritance or direct familial involvement.

At the age of roughly 70, Camilla's fate and Sun lines can be seen branching into perfect tridents. these remarkably positive signs are precisely what you'd expect to see on the hands of wealthy and successful aristocracy, having the branches of prosperity yielding fruit at this age.

8. Camilla's Lifeline narrowly arcs around her Venus mount, creating an isolated lifestyle and reduced social circle and support network. This way of life began at age 26 on the lifeline, the age when she first married.
At the age of 55 it is possible she lost loved one a mother line can be seen striking at the lifeline on the left hand showing the emotional influence of this event.
Simultaneously at this time on her right hand, a travel line can be seen curving from lunar pointing towards the life at this time. Enriching cosmic influences here provided a healthy amount of luck.
At the age of 55, Camila married the then Prince Charles.

It is vital that Camilla broadens her social Horizons and behaves more like the tiger that she is, taking a leap into the unknown would do her confidence the world of good as well as making new friends, learning new things, eradicating her prejudices and increasing her social network.
Camilla appears to be remarkably healthy and I have no doubt that she will live to a good age, enjoying quality of life throughout the next 7 years.
In 2031 there will be another outside influence from Pluto looking to take away from Camilla's life, possibly Charles himself, along with assets. She is in danger of pining at this time.
I believe I know the age of her passing, but I will not share this.
Grief is isolating but deadly to those who have self-isolated.

I am even more convinced now that when Queen Camilla is aged 84 Prince William will become king William.

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